Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Go West young man...

This week's plan:

Drive to mom's house in Littlefield.  There always seems to be extra gravity to the chores when you are trying to get out of town for an adventure.  Lawn mowed, house picked up, stuff packed, hmmmm that should not take me long and I'll be on the road by noon.  The mounting thoughts of stuff to bring and stuff to not bring - tailgate (camper needs the tailgate removed) pushed me later and later for getting off.
No tailgate (truck blushing a bit)

Then I had to setup my "insurance device"  called an inreach.  It is a satellite text messaging and SOS device in case I break down in the middle of no where with no cell coverage.  Really cool deal - more about it later as it will be used to send "I'm ok here is where I am" messages.

Well the best made plans of mice and man played out and I got on the road around 4 just in time to catch all the really bad traffic - ouch!!  A stop by Amber's (my niece) to pick up a travel crate for Ria my side kick for this journey and we were finally heading West.

There is a strange problem with all my vehicles in that they swerve off the road in Weatherford which happens to be a BBQ place that sells fried pies.   The journey continued after stocking up on apricot fried pies.

All went great to Littlefield, got unloaded and then the loudest Pow bam bang (think old Batman show) as I lowered Mom's garage door on the last trip into the house.  One of the springs that operate the door busted and the door was not going back up without some repair work.  Some things are better dealt with after a good night's sleep so the garage door would have to wait till morning.

Luckly the Ace hardware store opens at 7am, so I arrived soon after to check on a new spring for Mom's door. and fortune smiled and they had the part.  A bit of work and return trip to Ace hardware and I had all the pieces and got the door back in order.  Mom fixed omelets and we got to enjoy some of my Uncle Dale's homegrown tomatoes and Aunt Judy's world famous "round bread" affectionally called "Judy Bread".  Nourished, dog fed, truck fueled the goal for the day was Flagstaff AZ.

A few highlights from the 1st leg of the journey:

Ria meets the Muleshoe Mule:

Texico New Mexico - made it to New Mexico

Hours of this
Eastern New Mexico (hwy 84)

Then out of the boredom that is eastern New Mexico there it was (angelic cord) - A Volkswagen beetle for sale in Melrose, New Mexico.  Had a flashback to longer hair and mid 70's.  Ria advised against buying it.

Drive by picture of the Billy the Kid Mueseum

Near Gallup

Quick stop at the Petrified Forest National Park where I met a Park Ranger from Arlington Tx,  I guess she did not make the Texas Rangers so opted for Park Ranger instead.

Drove on into Flagstaff, AZ and checked into a Motel 6.  Spread the "dog sheet" over the made up bed for Ria and crashed in my bed.   I brought a collapsable crate for Ria but she had her eye on the additional bed in the room.

West is the direction for tomorrow.

Take care everyone.....

Almost forgot Ria got to ride in her first elevator - whoa kinda scary.

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